We want to help keep your family together, safe, and strong

Use the system to your advantage

  • Use Family Law

    The family law system is different to the child protection (welfare) system. The family law system gives the family control over what happens to the children, and is based on ‘what is best for the kids’. You and your family can use this system to make plan for where the kids should live, who gets to spend time with the kids, and how much time the kids get to spend with other family. If you cannot agree, then the family court has a special ‘Indigenous List’ as well as Indigenous Liaison Officers to help make court easier for you and your family. For more information see this link: https://www.fcfcoa.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-06/iflo_factsheet_national_0124v3.pdf

  • Avoid child protection

    If you have worries about kids in your family, chances are welfare are worried too. If welfare get involved, they could take the kids into their care, and the family lose a lot of control. You can avoid that by coming together as a family and using family law to make a plan to keep the kids safe and happy. This could include giving another family member the power to enrol the kids in school or take them to the doctor. If the family makes a good plan together, then welfare should stay away.

  • Let us help you

    Ashlea has a long history of working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, both in the Northern Territory and in New South Wales. It is her goal to help as many families as possible to keep their kids safe . She has seen the terrible effect that it can have on families and the kids when welfare gets involved. She also understands how much stress and conflict can be caused when families cannot agree on what is best for the kids. Book a free first appointment to see if Ashlea can help you and your family.